There are several reasons why risk is one of the most difficult areas of financial advice to get right.

The purpose of this guide is to walk practitioners, whether financial services companies, paraplanners or financial advisers, through this complicated subject and demonstrate how mastering risk through doing research and using tools can improve the delivery, quality, consistency and compliance of your advice.

Use the insights from this guide to turn risk and suitability from a regulatory liability to a driver of profitability, making it easier to delight clients with the controlled outcomes that accurate financial plans can deliver.

For more than 20 years now, Synaptic has provided advisers with risk tools that combine the risk profiling of clients and the formulation of asset allocation strategies on which to base investment recommendations. This guide will draw on our experience of using risk to our customers’ and their clients’ advantage.

Download the guide here

Access the market-leading investment strategy combining the A2Risk attitude to risk questionnaire and Moody’s risk categories and asset allocations via Synaptic's new tool, Risk Explorer, click here to learn more.